Sunday, May 11, 2014

Xander's Transformation - A Slaughtertown Circus Teaser

Xander's been feeling a little under the weather, but he'll soon learn that he'll have to deal with more than just a runny nose and bad cough...

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Giveaway and Interview: Slaughtertown Circus

Do you like free stuff? Free books? Free books full of super hot, ultra-weird bizarro?

Sure you do! And I'm teaming up with Horror After Dark to do a giveaway for a chance to win one of two Kindle copies or one paperback copy of Slaughtertown Circus! Click here for details.

And check out their recent interview with me where Nikki Howard asks me a ton-o-random stuff about the book.

TLDR: We're giving a way some copies of STC and I answer questions.

Strange the World: John Bruni

If you missed last night's Strange the World vidcast, catch up on YouTube! This edition:

John Bruni, author of Tales of Questionable Taste, and editor of Strange Story Saturdays joins the StrangeHouse crew to talk about what it takes to be a writer, his work, and upcoming news for StrangeHouse.


John Bruni and Strange Story Saturdays are looking for
flash fiction
(less than 1500 words) for the website!

Email your submissions to

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Farrowing - Now Available!

WOO! Jesse Wheeler's first full length book, The Farrowing, is now available on Amazon and on StrangeHouse's website! You can bet your butt I'm picking up one of these.

"Shelly is house-sitting for the first time at the Ferguson place. With the family gone for the weekend, she is left alone in the secluded house nestled within the hills. Or so she thinks. She quickly learns that there are other inhabitants living under the house. Inhuman underground residents, hell-bent on violating every inch of her flesh. Both external and internal. A small door in the kitchen pantry turns out to be a gateway revealing a labyrinth of perversions and depraved decadence beyond her imagination. Shelly is unwillingly guided through the threshold, down into the caverns below the Ferguson house. What she encounters down there, will test every molecule of her physical, emotional, mental, and sexual ability."

It All Started With A Fariy Tale Book

The other day, Nikki Howard (of Horror After Dark) asked me when I began writing. I had to think about it for a second, and concluded that it began when I was five or six, with a story called "The Litol Pritsus," which I've decided to share with you guys because it's work from the mind of a five-year-old Tepe and, honestly, it's just so fricking precious.

If you can't make it out, here it is:

Wuns upon u tiim
Thear levd a bootyfo
Pritsus tat had jols and mor
And mor and mor wun day
She went to tu dunjn to
Get hr jols sudjoly a jrigin
And swopt hr off hr fet she landed and she
She levd
Hapoy aftr
The end.


And if you'd like to read it in English:

Once upon a time
There lived a beautiful
Princess that had jewels and more
And more and more. One day
She went to the dungeon to
Get her jewels and suddenly a dragon
Swept her off her feet. She landed and she
Happily [ever] after.

The End

Stay in school, kids!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Reviews, Reviews! Step Right Up!

That's right, ladies and gentleman! Check out the latest reader reviews of Slaughtertown Circus!


I am seriously thrilled at all the positive comments, thanks SO much, guys! Cotton candy for everyone! >:3