Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Reviews Are In! And they're hilarious.

DO NOT MISS Becki Ryan's rad review of Slaughtertown Circus on her fantastic blog! Made better with the appearance of SNL's Stefon, who is (IMHO) the world's most awesome club-goer. Thanks, Becki!

Spoiler Alert: Slaughtertown Circus has received


Which can only mean that I'm now spazzing out in my bedroom eating circus peanuts. Not really. I don't have any circus peanuts, but I wish I did. Not like I really need the sugar. Heaven help me.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Feel like getting teased?

The first teaser is up for Slaughtertown Circus, and it's only slightly NSFW...

Friday, April 25, 2014

I'm Everywhere!

Or rather, I'm trying to be. You know you wanna e-stalk me.

You can see my every move!

You can see what I feel like posting at the time!

Keep up with my work, as well as the work of insanely talented authors!

You can look into the softer, less NSFW side of Tepe!

Bonus exclamation point: !

Slaughtertown Circus... HERE AT LAST!

Hey guys! It's been forever since my last post, (I know, punishment is obligatory) but in that time my first novel SLAUGHTERTOWN CIRCUS has finally been released!

Slaughtertown Circus

You can pick up a copy on Amazon, and check out the rest of the StrangeHouse Books catalogue on their website!


In other news, I'm starting work on some other stuff, I'll keep you guys posted. Someone PLEASE kick me in the ass and tell me to update this blog more often. Dear god. 

Seriously, I opened this page and bats flew out.